If you are hospitable and would like to help foreign people who visit Belarus, register on COUCHSURFING.ORG or WARMSHOWERS.ORG and specify your location.
If you are hospitable and would like to help foreign people who visit Belarus, register on COUCHSURFING.ORG or WARMSHOWERS.ORG and specify your location.
Warmshowers is an international site for touring cyclists and hosts.
Using this site touring cyclists can find a place to spend a night at. This is especially important when the weather conditions are bad, e.g. it’s raining hard. Also cyclists may need help or tools to repair their bicycles and to wash their clothes if they have been on the road for a long time.
Often it is much more interesting for tourists to hear the stories from the locals about their home towns/villages than to be on a tour with a professional guide. Or, just taking a ride or going out for a coffee with a local like-minded person can make the trip much more fun.
Helping others is as enjoyable as receiving help from someone. Especially when you are helping nice positive people, which cyclists usually are 🙂 For a host such experience is a great way to improve language speaking skills, and of course a good new acquaintance itself is a big plus. In addition to registering on the site, you can also contact us and tell us what kind of help you can offer to cyclists (e.g. help in repairing, supply tools) and we will then add this information to EuroVelo.by. Such registration doesn’t mean that you are under some kind of an obligation. No one will make you help people if, for example, you are tired and not in the mood for communication.
There are more than 50 hospitable cyclists registered on this site in Belarus.
Couchsurfing is the largest international hospitality resource. It is not as narrowly specialized as Warmshowers and is aimed not only at touring cyclists. There are more than 1000 users of this site in Belarus.
Minsk Couchsurfing community is pretty large and active. If you are a tourist and plan to stay in Minsk for a while, you may do the following: